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Are you lacking the crucial nutrient your brain needs to sleep?


Are you lacking the crucial nutrient your brain needs to sleep?

1 In 6 People Who Lack This Mineral Can’t Fall Asleep

Scientists reveal an astonishing sleeping problem discovery:

Without this crucial mineral, your brain cannot switch off and fall asleep...

Left untreated, this could lead to total insomnia or even Alzheimer’s!

The worst thing: 1 out of 6 people are lacking this essential mineral!

Visit the link below to find out all about it:

Are you lacking the crucial nutrient your brain needs to sleep?

Sleep Problems Caused By A "Brain Clog" You Can Easily Clear by Doing THIS

No sleeping pill, no matter how powerful, or expensive...can do what this $5 natural method does...

Even top sleep experts are STUNNED...

As it’s not just one of those temporary solutions that fails you when you need it the most...

It actually treats the root cause of insomnia and lack of sleep...which is a toxic " brain clog" that once you clear...

Is guaranteed to help you sleep like a baby through the night…

But also help your body produce more energy for the next day…

And even burn up fat and drop 10, 15 or even 26 pounds a month while sleeping…

The miraculous solution is laid out on this page, so you can start using it right now!

Scientists Alarmed: If You Suffer From Sleep Problems,This Can Happen To You In 1 Month!

Even Oxford and Cambridge doctors were alarmed when they saw this:

Everybody who suffers from sleep problems has this one disturbing thing in common...

And it takes less than a month to trigger more serious health issues, like Alzheimer’s or even complete loss of memory!

Because if you suffer from sleep problems, this disturbing thing is happening in your brain. Top sleep experts recommend you take action now.

Can’t Sleep Through The Night? Here’s what can happen to you in one month.

If You Suffer From Sleep Problems, This Can Happen To You In 1 Month!

Even Oxford and Cambridge doctors were alarmed when they saw this:

Everybody who suffers from sleep problems has this one disturbing thing in common...

And it takes less than a month to trigger more serious health issues, like Alzheimer’s or even complete loss of memory!

Because if you suffer from sleep problems, this disturbing thing is happening in your brain. Top sleep experts recommend you take action now.

Can’t Sleep Through The Night? Here’s what can happen to you in one month

Sleep Problems: When You Can’t Fall Asleep, Try This 60-Second Bedtime Ritual...

If you have suffered from sleep problems, chronic fatigue or headaches for more than 3 months…

And want to finally say goodbye to brain fog, anxiety and insomnia…

Follow this scientifically designed method for one minute a helped over 73,000 people easily fall asleep and stay that way until the next day...

And even escape brain fog, lack of energy and anxiety!

This unique sleep activation therapy, based on 20 years of research done at the Stanford Sleep Institute…

Is now used successfully by astronauts to help them fall asleep in space. The best thing?

It’s completely natural, requires no dangerous drugs and you can do it safely from the comfort of your home starting tonight!

So click here to see exactly how easily you can sleep for 8 hours straight and wake up fully energized the next day!

Fall asleep faster!? Try THIS Simple Bedtime Ritual

Top sleep experts from the Stanford Sleep Institute say this simple bedtime ritual is guaranteed to put anyone to sleep in minutes!

This highly effective sleep technique doesn’t involve taking a single sleeping pill and it’s 100% safe and effective…

Especially when it’s paired with sleeping on a certain side of your body!

Yes - it’s that powerful and 90% of doctors have never heard of it yet!

So, if you ever want to be "lights out" faster...

AND sleep soundly through the night,

AND wake up refreshed and energized the next day...

 This Happens To Your Brain If You Don’t Sleep 

This vital health information is now officially public:

93% of sleep, energy and memory problems start with a toxic spill swamping your brain…

Which left untreated is guaranteed to lead to dangerous health complications such as:

Alzheimer’s, brain stroke, full body paralysis or even Type 2 Diabetes!

Fortunately, one brave scientist has just released this fast-acting natural sleep activator

Which works like a "antidote", effectively cleansing your brain overnight…

While also boosting energy levels the next day by up to 75%

What To Do If You Don’t Sleep Enough During The Night

How To Get Your Ex-Boyfriend (or husband)Back?

How To Get Your Ex-Boyfriend (or husband)Back?

If you’re even a LITTLE interested in getting your ex-boyfriend back, you’ve got to watch this now…

1 Erase The Past From Your Ex's Mind?

2. Make Your Ex-Boyfriend Fall For You Again

3. Have Your Ex Chasing You

4. The Mistake You’re Making With Your Ex

5. Got Dumped? Do This. (Video)

6. Your Ex Won’t Know What Hit Him

7. Why He Doesn't Want You Anymore

8. I'm Warning You Twice

9. Do You Still Love Him?

10. Dying To Get Your Ex Back?

11. The Formula To Get Your Ex Back

12. Get Him Back By Playing With His Mind?

13. How To Get Your Ex Back

14. Outrageous Way To Get Your Ex Back

15. Try This On Your Ex

16. The Trick That Will Get Him Back?

I truly appreciate you coming to my blog to get real information about this incredible book that can teach you how to get your ex-boyfriend (or husband) back and help you restore your broken relationship.

There is nearly guaranteed hope, that if you follow a few relationship principles and some strategies you WILL get your ex back.

This is a comprehensive review of “Seduce Your Ex” by Jason Collins. You will learn the essential facts that can not only restore your relationship but also make it much stronger and much more fulfilling.

What Can “Seduce Your Ex” Best Seller Teach You?

This comprehensive guide teaches you how to deal with breakups and male psychology. You will learn many psychological tricks and hot buttons on how to get him back and keep him.

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Jason’s methods may undoubtedly feel unorthodox, but they are proven techniques for getting your boyfriend back. These are not short-term strategies that only work for the short term but are long-range focused. Each strategy is backed up by male psychology, and if you were to apply the same strategies to get a woman back, it just wouldn’t work. Most information out there teaches the same strategies for both men and women, and at the end of the day, it just doesn’t work. So don’t waste your money on so-called “gurus”.

The fact is, men, see the world through different lenses than women. Jason will help you demystify a man’s mind. When you gain an understanding of men, then you will be ready to win them back. You will have powers you didn’t realize you had.

With Jason’s methods, you will go deep into real-life fixes that go directly at his heartstrings. It gives you the exact strategies and how to implement them each step of the way.

I have read over 40 books about how to restore broken relationships. I am also a relationship coach myself and I use many of his very smart techniques in my coaching practice.

By the way, I have to give my girlfriend lots of credit since she is the one who discovered the Seduce Your Ex book! At one point in the past, we had serious struggles in our relationship we just couldn’t get over. She bought the book and learned powerful attraction techniques she didn’t realize existed. Then I also read the book and was beyond impressed.

My more articles

Cute but ridiculous: 12 flirting phrases in Spanish to try on your next love

7 Secrets To Make A Man Love You

Slip Past His Defenses by Flipping This Psychological Switch

He's the guy you were meant to be with

Reversing Rejection Is A Powerful Strategy!

What you’ll learn in the book is that adjusting your mindset is the first thing you need to work on. If he runs toward you or if he runs away from you will without a doubt, depend on your mindset. The fact is he was attracted to you in the first place and he can be attracted again with some easy tricks and adjustments on your part.

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For starters learn to be fun by going and having fun. This can be bowling or miniature golf or even double dating with another couple if it makes you feel better. This is a super powerful strategy and him seeing you having fun with other men will make him jealous and he will become a lot more receptive to the idea of coming back to you. Just think, he knew you as the needy woman, but now you are full of creativity and fun. You are also stronger and less needy when you are out having fun.

If another man asks you to go out with him just go and do not be too picky. Remember this is a strategy to win him back. You don’t have to do anything serious, just have fun. When you see your friends let them know how good your life is going and the fun you are having. They will tell your ex-boyfriend about how you are doing.

You don’t appear needy and you are having a lot of fun. This automatically makes you more attractive. Getting him back needs a successful formula with winning strategies. Learn to let HIM chase you. This also means having him work to get you back. The tables will be turned on him. Seduce Your Ex teaches you many methods you can use to get your boyfriend back.

What About The Drawbacks of “Seduce Your Ex”?

There are no perfect solutions and Seduce Your Ex is not perfect either! Here are a few flaws in this book.

– Jason’s methods can be unorthodox and stretch your comfort zone a little bit. It is not the advice your girlfriends or your mother may give you. When you follow the time-tested psychology of his methods your chances of getting him back will increase tremendously. It’s one step at a time. If your ex-boyfriend is a good catch and you honestly love him then these strategies will be well worth investing in.

– The number one thing you need to do is take responsibility for your breakup, no matter what. You need to take action by doing things differently than you have been doing. Which may seem uncomfortable or scary at times.

The key to getting your boyfriend back is the action you take and it may be the exact opposite of the things you are doing now. This may not sound negative about this book but when you need to stop what you are doing and start doing other things it may not feel normal, but this is how you make it work in the end.

Now, What Are The Positive Things About “Seduce Your Ex”?

– First, it’s fun to read. Jason has a very easy writing style. He shines through as an experienced relationship coach. His understanding of both men and women in relationships that work is what makes his strategies brilliant.

– Seduce Your Ex has 6 full chapters and 126 pages of solid teachings (no fluff) on ways to get your boyfriend back. The male psychology behind the lessons and the reasons men leave relationships provides winning strategies.

This book is not like ANYTHING you have ever read before. Jason Collins is high above any of your typical relationship coaches and therapists that may charge you a pretty penny. Your understanding of men will be stronger than anyone you presently know including your girlfriends and your mother. His methods have been proven time and time again.


My Final Thoughts About “Seduce Your Ex” Overall?

“Seduce Your Ex” is one of the best, no-nonsense books on recovering from damaged relationships and how to get your ex-boyfriend back that I have ever read. Jason Collins shows he is a very experienced relationship coach. The book is packed with immediately usable information and can help you get him back very quickly. Your boyfriend will not know what just happened to him but he will be begging you to have him back! Don’t do anything to get him back until you’ve read Seduce Your Ex.

Once you read “Seduce Your Ex” you’ll be well on your way to an exciting adventure that can cross over to all of your relationships throughout your life. If you want to rekindle your love life this is the book for you. Even if you want your ex-husband back this can drastically increase your chances. I 100% feel this book will give you a brand new beginning. You won’t regret your decision.


Sarah S. - Long Island City, NY

I found Seduce Your Ex seven months ago when I just broke up with my ex. It was the toughest time of my life but your words and advice gave me comfort and hope. I started all over again to slowly build our relationship. Step by step, day after day things got better and better. I finally created enough momentum to ask him if he wanted to get back together. He said yes. So we are back together. I know if it wasn’t for your advice things could have turned out differently. I am truly grateful.

Denise N. - Oberlin, OH

For those wondering if this works, it does. Worked for me twice actually. The first time it took a month to get her back but I screwed up again and she broke up with me. I had learned from past mistakes and specifically asked to keep the lines of communication open. This time it took 3 months to get her back. The key is patience and persistence. Thanks, Love Doctor. You know your stuff.

Linda N. - Carthage, IL

Jason just wanted to let you know that my ex and I are back together. We have been back together for a month and things couldn’t be better. Your ebook helped me realize what I needed to change and I can truly say I’m different now. I used to be so worried and anxious all the time. I’m more relaxed, don’t overreact, and have learned to live in the moment. I am much more independent and not needy. Our communication is so much better and more open. Of course, there is no such thing as a perfect relationship but this time is close. So thank you!

Karen K. - Newington, CT

We’re officially back together after 7 months apart. We’re still learning how to talk about everything that happened and what caused our problems. I can honestly say we’re so much happier and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Everyone else, don’t stop trying!

Peggy T. - New York, NY

After reading Seduce Your Ex I just had to say that I disciplined myself to put the words into action and have successfully rekindled with my ex. After a month of very light contact and another month of the two-step forward one step back dance, I built up enough emotional momentum for us to agree to start over, work on fixing anything that troubled us from our last relationship, and build a new one. Two years and nine months were worth fighting for, especially since we were friends for so long beforehand.

Evelyn L. - Clarion, PA

Jason, thank you for showing me I was doing all the wrong things to get back my ex. He and I decided to give ourselves another chance. We’re both going into it cautiously but we realize we love each other too much to give up on us now. You were instrumental in getting me to where I am today and I came back to say thank, thank you. My advice to everyone trying to get their ex back, it is so easy to give up but trust your gut. It is never a loss when you fully apply yourself unreservedly to someone you love — regardless of how long it takes.

Kathleen C. - Chesapeake, VA

Hi Jason, I just had to tell you what a blessing your book was! My ex broke up with me because he didn’t feel the same love for me as I felt for him. I started no contact but I couldn’t completely disconnect myself from him. I contacted him and over 5 weeks, things progressed rapidly. We spent a lot of time talking about how to improve the relationship. He was very attentive, holding me tightly and giving me long hugs but I was the one that asked him if he wants to try the relationship again. We are back together but still taking it slow. Your advice was extremely helpful. Thank you.

Helen J. - Bloomfield, NY

Letting go is the best advice I read from your Seduce Your Ex book. I was afraid to let him go because I was afraid to lose him. It already had been 5 months and he was slipping further and further away. I begged, pleaded, and wrote him a love letter. I even did no contact but on the advice of his best friend abandoned the idea. My ex is full of pride and would completely cut me out of his life and I felt the future was completely out of my control. After desperately trying to hold on, I bought your book and started practicing letting go. When I sent a text I was not attached to him responding, and slowly but surely he started to text more. When it came to dates, I didn’t show anxiety or react when he canceled. We eventually got back together and 2 months counting still together. Attracting back your ex does happen, but you have to let go. It's hard actually because it's scary, but let yourself go with the flow and have faith.

Transitioning Your Child From Crib To Bed

 The Big Change – Transitioning Your Child From Crib To Bed

BabySleepMiracle,Solve Baby Sleep Problems

I want out! That’s the message your toddler will send – one way or another – when he’s ready to wave goodbye to the crib and say hello to a big-kid bed. Your child might verbalize displeasure, or more likely, simply climb out of the crib.

So, what needs to be done?

First, resist the temptation to move him too early. Most experts recommend doing so around age 3. Unless your child is climbing out of his crib or needs more space than a crib can provide – his body is growing at an astounding rate – it’s better to keep him in the crib, which allows him to feel safe.

This way, your child can feel comfortable taking giant developmental leaps during the day but still regress to the security of his old crib at night.

Solve Baby Sleep Problems | Co-Sleeping: Should Your Child Sleep In Your Bed?

Moreover, until age 3, toddlers are very impulsive, and your child’s difficulty in understanding and being able to follow directions or rules (like staying in bed all night) will make sleeping in a bed a real challenge. If you transition to a bed before age 3, you can plan on waking up to a little visitor next to your bed pretty much every night.

When the time comes, however, you need to help your child transition smoothly to sleeping in a bed. For that, you need to follow certain steps. These are:


1. Create a safe environment: Safety proof your child’s room and any adjacent areas he may be able to visit into the middle of the night. Secure windows, tops of stairs, and any stepstools that can be tripped over. Even better, you can install a safety gate at your child’s door. You can even install a small night light in his room to help him orient himself and avoid hurting himself.

2. Pick the mattress: Go to the mattress store – or any other store that sells mattresses – and let your child help you choose the mattress or bed. With safety in mind, all you need is a twin-size mattress and box spring and some safety rails for the side. You should adjust the height of this new bed accordingly, as it will need to sit low on the floor for some time until your child gets used to it. Get some fun new sheets, and some special pillowcases and you’re set to go.

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3. Disassemble the crib (together): Once the new bed comes home, ask your child to help you to take down the crib. This way, your child will feel part of the transition process and will also be able to say goodbye to the crib.

4. Set up the bed: Put the bed in a corner of your child’s room so that the head and side of the bed are flush against the wall for protection. Add a safety rail to the exposed side of the bed. Your child will feel safe this way, just as he did in his crib.


5. Explain the rules of bedtime: If your child is verbal before the first night of sleeping in bed, go over the rules of bedtime with him. Tell him that he is a big boy now who needs to understand that when we go to sleep, we only wake up when the sun is nice and bright.

Solve Baby Sleep Problems | Co-Sleeping: Should Your Child Sleep In Your Bed?

6. Do your bedtime routine: During the first few nights your child is sleeping in his new bed, take an extra 10 minutes of reading time together to make him feel comfortable in his new environment. The idea here is to make your child feel safe. If your child seems excited about the new bed from the very start, you’re one of those lucky people who has made this transition easily.

My Child Is An Early Bird – Can I Do Something About It?BabySleepMiracle, Solve Baby Sleep Problems


Early morning wakings are one of the toughest sleep problems to fix, if not the toughest. If you’re wondering why it’s because after a decent night’s rest your child has got more energy to fight sleep in the morning. And the truth is, all of us come up into lighter sleep phases in the last hour of our sleep, preparing to take up for the day.

Remember, however, that your child is waking early only if he is not getting the right amount of night rest for his age and his body. In other words, if your child sleeps from 7 PM to 6 AM, it’s a perfectly reasonable schedule for him, even though it might feel early to you.

We can’t ask our children to sleep more than 11 hours at night. Their bodies are usually rested after this much sleep, and they won’t be able to do more.

Also, keep in mind the following fact: if your child is waking even at 10/½ hours, if he is rested and energetic in the morning and makes it easily till his naptime, then he’s getting enough rest for his body.

Problems arise if your child sleeps from, say, 7 PM to 5:30 AM. In this case, you’ll need to push the bedtime later by 15-minute increments, then watch to see if your child can sleep later in the morning,


A word of caution, though: Making the bedtime later can often have the opposite effect of causing your child to wake up earlier. This is the reason why things need to be done in small steps.

Here are some other ideas to try if your child is an early bird:

• Make sure that your child’s room is very, very dark.

• If any sounds could be waking him – such as garbage trucks, barking dogs, or sprinklers – put white noise in the room and make the volume loud enough to protect him from these sounds

• Remove all stimulating toys from your child’s crib or bed, which can be distracting once the sun enters his room.

• If you are checking in on your child within the last hour before his wake time, your interaction may prevent him from returning to sleep. Don’t check on him if it’s less than one hour till his wake time.

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• Make sure the bedtime is not too late for your child’s age. Adjust the bedtime earlier by 15-minute increments, and watch what happens in the morning. In doing so, you will allow your child to sleep later, as he is less overtired at bedtime. If he does wake earlier, return to your previous bedtime. If moving the bedtime earlier does not affect the wake you may want to consider using the earlier bedtime anyway to help your child get the right amount of night sleep for his age.


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• Make sure your child is not hungry. If you have a child under 12 months and have newly begun to wean feedings, you may want to slow the process down to give him more time to adjust. Moreover, be careful to ensure that you are offering the breast or bottle more often during the day to help him transition his previous nighttime feeds to the daytime, so he won’t be hungry going down for sleep at night.

Solve Baby Sleep Problems


Co-Sleeping: Should Your Child Sleep In Your Bed

Solve Baby Sleep Problems
Solve Baby Sleep Problems

Co-sleeping is the practice where the child sleeps in bed with his parents. Not surprisingly, it is one of the most hotly debated and controversial topics related to pediatric sleep. Let’s see why.

Some people argue that co-sleeping is the right and natural way to raise a child because the practice fosters a stronger bond and a more secure attachment.

Conversely, others will tell you that co-sleeping is risky, ridiculous, or even dangerous and they don’t want it for their family.

Solve Baby Sleep Problems
Solve Baby Sleep Problems

So, which approach holds the truth?

First, it’s important to understand that co-sleeping is not magic. Although some proponents of the family bed would disagree, numerous couples have reported that their babies did not necessarily sleep deeper or longer because their parents were close by. Some parents found that their child slept longer and woke less frequently when they stopped co-sleeping and moved him into his crib.

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However, whether families choose to co-sleep or have their children sleep independently is a personal decision, and if both parents and child are safe, rested, and fulfilled, then co-sleeping is nothing to worry about.

If you decide to co-sleep, this commitment requires some very careful thinking about what you and your spouse feel is right for you as individuals, as a couple, and as a family.

Ask yourselves the following questions:

• Is it nice to think about enjoying the coziness of sleeping nearby, or does one or more of us tend to stay active during sleeping – potentially disrupting the others?

• Does everyone in our family want to co-sleep, or are we leaning toward it because one of us feels strongly?

• Are we willing to commit to being quiet after our child falls asleep, or do we like to watch TV or talk in bed?

• Will we enjoy being able to feed our baby more often throughout the night, or will have him next to us make it tougher to wean nighttime feeds?

The Big Change – Transitioning Your Child From Crib To Bed

• Are we agreeable to getting into bed when our child does, to ensure his safety?

• For working parents, does sleeping next to our child allow us to feel more connected to him?

As expected, co-sleeping has both advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s take a closer look at them.

Solve Baby Sleep Problems
Solve Baby Sleep Problems


• Constant closeness whenever the child is awake. Many children and parents enjoy this feeling.

• Immediate action and support for any sleep-related problem

• The ability to nurse and respond to other nighttime wakings without getting up

• More time to spend with the child

• Possibly better sleep for both the child and the parents, if the child was sleeping poorly, to begin with


• Parents may sleep poorly if their children are restless sleepers

• Parents may end up sleeping in separate rooms, and they may become angry at their child or with each other

• Children’s and adults’ sleep cycles do not coincide

• Parents may have to go to bed at a very early hour with their children and be left with little time for their evening activities

• Parents have little privacy

 • There may be a slight increase in the risk to the infant from SIDS and related causes.

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The decision to co-sleep should be yours, made by the parent – or parents – and based on your philosophies, not on pressure from your child or anyone else. Another family’s good or bad experience with co-sleeping should not influence your decision: your child is unique and your family is not the same.

Sleep Struggles – Why Do Children Cry As They Learn How To Sleep



 Seeing your baby cry is perhaps the most heartbreaking moment of all. You don’t want him to cry. You want him happy. And of course, you want him healthy. But for all that to happen, he needs to sleep properly.

It would be nice if your child could learn how to sleep without any crying or frustration whatsoever. Every parent would sign up for that. Unfortunately, the truth is that all children, regardless of the method you use to help them sleep, inevitably shed some tears in the process. Let’s see why.

The Big Change – Transitioning Your Child From Crib To Bed

First and foremost, children cry when learning to sleep because they are protesting – they don’t like change. They hate change. Just think about it.

Do you remember what your favorite book was as a kid? Do you remember wanting to read that book over and over again, even though you knew every word of it?

We all resist change, children and adults alike. It’s normal to do so, and it’s normal for your child to express his resistance by crying. After all, crying comes before words – not the other way around.

Second, as children begin to learn how to sleep but haven’t yet figured out how to do so, they are understandably frustrated. They no longer have Mom and Dad on their side to help them get to sleep, and they don’t yet know what to do differently. They will eventually.

BabySleepMiracle, Solve Baby Sleep Problems
Solve Baby Sleep Problems

What’s interesting about falling asleep is that although each of us is born with the inherent ability to do so, it is considered a learned behavior. And yet you can’t teach anyone else how to do it – you can’t simply say to your child to close his eyes and sleep. Instead, each of us has to learn for ourselves what to do to settle into sleep.

Of course, some children seem to learn how to sleep almost magically, with very little effort on the parent’s part. However, children are different. Everyone is unique.

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Your child, along with many others, hasn’t learned this essential skill yet, which is why he needs you to take a step back, so he has the opportunity to achieve that on his own.

How will he do it? He might kick his legs around a bit, he might gently rock his head from side to side, or he might grab his lovey. Or maybe he’ll suck on his thumb. If he’s a bit older, maybe he’ll play with his hair.

The truth is, each of us has different things we do to soothe ourselves into sleep, and your child will surely find a way that’s perfect for him. But he won’t discover those things nearly as easily with you standing right next to him or picking him up – he won’t have the motivation to do so.

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Simply put, if you “help” him, he will cry even harder because the touching feels like a tease that serves to reinforce the crying.

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Cute but ridiculous: 12 flirting phrases in Spanish to try on your next love

PickUp Spanish - Learn Spanish. Get Girls. 

PickUp Spanish - Learn Spanish. Get Girls.

Learn Spanish Pick-up Lines

   Oh, and pickup lines.  They range from cute and romantic to fun and youthful.

   Even if the cheesy pick up phrase makes you want to roll your eyes, you have to admit it's fun to learn and share!

   The Spanish language is full of great catchphrases that use clever puns to conjure up poetry and mundane imagery.  Read on to discover some of the best and learn some Spanish while you laugh.

PickUp Spanish - Learn Spanish. Get Girls.
PickUp Spanish - Learn Spanish. Get Girls.

>Why Learn Spanish Pick-up Lines?

In conclusion, there are many benefits to learning Spanish pick up lines. Not only will it help you to flirt in Spanish, but it will also come in handy if you're ever dating a Latin American girl. With a little practise, you'll be able to speak seductively in Spanish in no time. So what are you waiting for? Start learning some pick up lines today!

PickUp Spanish - Learn Spanish. Get Girls.
PickUp Spanish - Learn Spanish. Get Girls.

>How to Flirt in Spanish

Just like in any language, flirting in Spanish takes some practice. If you’re hoping to meet a Spanish-speaker, whether on vacation or business, it’s always good to have a few pick-up lines in your repertoire. Here are some tips on how to flirt in Spanish, including a few choice pick-up lines to help get the conversation started.

My more articles

Cute but ridiculous: 12 flirting phrases in Spanish to try on your next love

7 Secrets To Make A Man Love You

Slip Past His Defenses by Flipping This Psychological Switch

He's the guy you were meant to be with

Smile and make eye contact.

This may seem like common sense, but it’s always a good place to start. Smiling and making eye contact shows that you’re interested and approachable.

Start with a simple “Hola.”

This is the most basic way to start a conversation, and it’s a great way to break the ice. Once you’ve said “Hola,” you can follow up with a compliment or a question.

PickUp Spanish - Learn Spanish. Get Girls.
PickUp Spanish - Learn Spanish. Get Girls.

What is the secret to seductive Spanish phrases that make Spanish men fall in love with you? Well, there is no secret – it is all about using the right words in the right situation. Here are some of the best Spanish dating phrases to use:

1. Te quiero mucho: This phrase means “I love you” in Spanish. Saying this to a Spanish man will show that you are serious about wanting to be with him.

2. Tengo mucho cariño: This phrase means “I have a lot of affection for you” in Spanish. Saying this to a Spanish man will show that you take him seriously.

3. Te quiero mucho, pero…: This phrase means “I love you, but…” in Spanish. Saying this to a Spanish man will show that you are still considering whether or not you want to be with him.

4. Si yo fuera azafata, te llevaría en mi avión, pero como no lo soy, te llevo en mi corazón.

English Meaning: If I were a flight attendant, I’d carry you in my airplane, but since I’m not, I’ll carry you in my heart.

6. Quisiera ser joyero para poder apreciar todos los días un diamante como tú.

English Meaning: I’d like to be a jeweler to be able to appreciate every day a diamond like you.

7. Ojalá fueras bombero para apagar el fuego de mi deseo.

English Meaning: If only you were a firefighter to be able to put out the fire of my desire.

8. Ojalá la mitad de las estrellas brillaran tanto como tus ojos.

English Meaning: If only half of the stars in the sky shined as brightly as your eyes.

9. Me gustaría ser lente de contacto para que no pudieras sacarme tu mirada.

English Meaning: I’d like to be a contact lens so you couldn’t take your eyes off me.

10. Si besarte fuera pecado, caminaría feliz por el infierno.

English Meaning: If kissing you were a sin, I’d happily walk through hell.

11. Si el agua fuese belleza, tú serías el océano entero.

English Meaning: If water were beauty, you’d be the whole ocean.

12. Si Cristóbal Colón te viera, diría: ¡Santa María, qué Pinta tiene esta Niña!

English Meaning: If Christopher Columbus saw you, he’d say: Saint Mary, that girl looks incredible!

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7 Secrets To Make A Man Love You


7 Secrets To Make A Man Love You

7 Secrets To Make A Man Love You

7 Secrets To Make A Man Love You

This makes him BEG to be with you

If you've ever suffered heartache because of a man, you need to watch this short video right now... it could very well turn your love life around in the way you've always wanted:


You'll learn 7 powerful love tips (that most women don't know) that you can use to instantly reach your man's heart, get his true love and have him begging you to stay by his side forever:

tip to have his love?

This might sound crazy, but when it comes to love: He's not that complicated!

If that seems like the furthest thing from the truth in your love life right now, then you need to see what I'm about to share with you:

There are a few specific simple things you can use to reach his heart deeply... and when you use them, you'll have his love forever.

With this one secret, you can sneak by his defenses and speak directly to his heart, so he can't help falling more and more deeply in love with you every day. So if you want to finally understand men so that you have his true love, then watch this now:


(A word of warning: He may even start begging you to be with him forever when you use it...)

My more articles

Cute but ridiculous: 12 flirting phrases in Spanish to try on your next love

7 Secrets To Make A Man Love You

Slip Past His Defenses by Flipping This Psychological Switch

He's the guy you were meant to be with

If he's not putting you first, then do this...

Today I'm going to share something that will deeply reach your man's heart (even if he's been pulling away).

You'll learn 7 powerful tips (that most women don't know) that you can use right now to instantly reach your man, improve your love life and have him begging you to stay by his side forever:


When you use this to sneak by his "male" defenses you can connect with him on a deep level in a way no other women are capable of. And when you do, he'll see you as his true love

How to make him honestly commit

You're not going to want to miss this...

If you've ever wanted a man to honestly and genuinely commit to you, then you need to

watch this now:


It might very well be the key that reaches him and unlocks his heart.

Frankly, some people have been saying it's so powerful that when using it, he'll beg you to be by his side forever:

How to reach even the most distant man

Has he been slipping away from you?

Today I want to share something with you that could bring love roaring into your life even if he's been distant, non-existent, or not putting you first.

Watch this here and you can use it to have him beg you to be with him forever:

Use this to peek inside his mind

If men have confused you or he hasn't committed in the way you want him to, then you need to watch this revealing video that shares how to reach him even if he's currently acting distant or withdrawn:

(Click here)

With it you can bypass his "male defenses" that don't usually let women in, so you can connect with him on a deep level. When you do this he'll practically beg you to be with him forever: Watch it now:

Slip Past His Defenses by Flipping This Psychological Switch


Slip Past His Defenses by Flipping This Psychological Switch

True Romance
True Romance

Are you STILL feeling that classic, why-can’t-men-commit kind of frustration that many other women are also dealing with?

Are you STILL feeling that classic, why-can’t-men-commit kind of frustration that many other women are also dealing with?

I’ve helped enough women with this problem to tell you that you don’t have to keep getting disappointed by men.


g TODAY, you can make a guy give you what your heart truly wants: a romantic, blissful connection that NEVER fades.

The reason why women can’t get their men to commit is that they simply don’t understand how the male mind works.

And that’s where I come in…

Learn more by clicking HERE NOW

FACT: Studies have proven that men are just as crazy about love as women - if NOT more!

It’s true: most guys are hardwired to find that lady in their life that they can call their own and treat like a QUEEN.

Like you, a typical guy dreams of finding the perfect partner to complement his qualities…

…and more importantly, "complete him".

But why does it seem like men are doing the complete OPPOSITE of this?

Why do guys seem to vanish into thin air right after sleeping with a girl?

Why do they keep flaking out just when things seem to be going in the right direction?

Where is a man’s so-called deep need for romance when he’s too busy avoiding your calls, voicemails, and emails?

My more articles

Cute but ridiculous: 12 flirting phrases in Spanish to try on your next love

7 Secrets To Make A Man Love You

Slip Past His Defenses by Flipping This Psychological Switch

He's the guy you were meant to be with

Learn how to NEVER experience this again by clicking HERE NOW…

The truth is that men can AND will commit to you - but NOT before triggering his "Romantic Reflex".

The reason why some women enjoy lasting relationships and others DON’T is because the latter has NO CLUE how to trigger this hardwired instinct for romance.

Flipping this psychological switch is the ONLY way to knock down that emotional floodgate inside him and make him want to devote the rest of his life to YOU.

Here’s a confession: I USED to be one of those guys you’d typically label as a "player" or "commitment-phobe". But the thing about labels is that they don’t tell the whole story.

In reality, those men just haven’t found the woman who’s triggered their Romantic Reflex!

As someone who’s made that transition, I can tell you EXACTLY what it takes to make a guy put his commitment-evading days behind him…

…and focus ALL his time, affection, and love on YOU!

Click HERE to check out my special report to learn how to trigger your man’s Romantic Reflex NOW…

The Ugly Truth About Men and Commitment

True Romance

True Romance

Can’t Get Him Commit? End Your Romantic Woes TODAY

Commitment WITHOUT the Arm-Twisting, Threats, and Mind Games

Here’s an often-ignored truth about guys: the more you push him into committing himself to you, the more he’ll PUSH RIGHT BACK.

Even if you somehow manage to hog-tie a guy into "signing up for the long haul", deep down he’ll RESENT you for forcing him into it.

This is why a lot of men go into a relationship half-heartedly, take their partner for granted, and end up leaving after a while.

Get around his defenses by clicking HERE…

So naturally, you’re wondering: how do I get him to stick around AND make him think it was HIS IDEA?

What does it take to create that BURNING desire for commitment in his heart so you NEVER have to force him into it?

The solution couldn’t be simpler – you just need to trigger his Romantic Reflex.

Crack his commitment force-field by clicking HERE

You see, inside the male mind is a deep, insatiable need to satisfy a woman’s romantic needs – the trick is directing this need towards YOU.

And that’s exactly what’s going to happen once you’ve triggered his Romantic Reflex.

It’s like setting off an emotional tripwire that will create an explosion of deep-seated feelings within him that he didn’t even know were there…

If you’re the woman who can create that powerful effect on him, he’ll NEVER let you go.

He’ll come chasing after you as his life depended on it!

Look, as a guy, I can tell you ALL guys have the initiative to commit themselves to someone. All it takes is the RIGHT woman to unlock that side of him, and I can teach him how to be THAT person in his life…

Learning how to trigger his Romantic Reflex couldn’t be easier, and it all starts by clicking HERE… 

Make Your Dream Relationship a Reality!

Have you ever dreamed of having that perfect relationship with someone who was meant to be with you?

Most women have grown up hoping that their soulmate is out there and that they’re meant to meet The One someday.

But what most of them don’t realize is that men dream of the very SAME thing.

That’s right, most guys have also grown up believing that they’ll find that one woman who’ll complete them.

But he’s not going to just fall head over heels for the next woman he’ll meet. To make him want to be The Man in your life, he’ll need a little push.

Unlock his romantic potential by clicking HERE…

And you can trigger all those deep emotions within him by finding his Romantic Reflex.

Most women NEVER figure out this vital part of male psychology, which is why they keep getting the same disappointing results as men, like:

Flaky, inconsistent behavior His refusal to commit Getting taken for granted

Click HERE to put an end to all of that…

Once you’ve triggered his Romantic Reflex, you’ll NEVER have to deal with that frustrating behavior again!

He already has it in him to be your Mr. Right, and you just need to help him discover that part of himself.

If you can be that woman in his life, he’ll see you as The One. Issues like trust, respect, and commitment will become a thing of the past.

If you’re ready for a better and brighter future with your man, click HERE to discover the secret to Magical Attraction.